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Cutman4Hire Chingon Utility Wristband

Cutman4Hire Chingon Utility Wristband

Regular price $100.00 USD
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Keeping all the tools within reach will make your job easier. Attach swabs, nose plugs, and gauze squares to the wristband.

The Cutman4Hire Cutman Utility Wristband (TM) is a must-have tool for cutmen as seen on HBO, Showtime, DAZN, MMA events, and various championship fights. It features a Petroleum Jelly Tray with a lid, allowing you to quickly care for your fighter in under 60 seconds. 

Measuring approximately 4.5 inches in length, the wristband includes a petroleum jelly compartment with a lid and an adjustable strap for a secure fit. You can easily attach items such as gauze, nosebleed plugs, and swabs to the Cutman4Hire Utility Wristband.

Available in black, the adjustable strap ensures the best fit for your needs.
***Best when worn on Left Hand.

***Utility Wristband does not include accessories shown in picture (Gauze, Swabs, Vaseline)***


***Cleaning recommendations: 

*Hand wash and air dry

*Do not leave in the supply bag wet.  Air dry after each use.   

Chingon, Translates to The Best, The Baddest! 
(Updated 11/22/2024)

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